Streamlining Success: Revamping employee feedback and support at a major news network

TEAM Happiest places to work®

One of India’s largest news channel groups needed a structured program to assess and support its manager teams, a way to measure employee emotions on a large scale, and a comprehensive feedback mechanism to capture the experiences of employees across all levels, departments, and locations.

The organization turned to the platform for a holistic solution. Customized employee filter groups were created, and capability-building sessions were held for managers, providing them with the tools and insights they needed to better understand their teams. Over a three-week period, the Happiness Dialogue was conducted digitally, allowing employees from every corner of India to participate.

Once the dialogue was completed, since the organization not only met but exceeded the benchmark, earning certification as one of the Happiest Places to Work®, a title that boosted employer branding and instilled pride among employees.

Comprehensive reports were delivered at multiple levels—organizational, managerial, and individual. Each employee received a personal report, confidentially accessed, comparing their scores to the organizational benchmark. Managers were given access to a dedicated Knowledge Hub to help them leverage the insights gained, and the leadership team received a detailed presentation with recommendations for both immediate and long-term actions.

Your Voice 24/7 tool was also implemented to continuously track employee emotions and feedback throughout the year. Additionally, a customized Recognition and D&I (Diversity & Inclusion) program was deployed.

In the end, the structured approach to understanding and improving employee well-being helped solidify the company’s reputation as a leader not just in media, but in creating a workplace where employees feel valued, heard, and happy.


“Happiness is a business need. If is important to keep your employees happy, happy employees are motivated and believe in the purpose of the organisation. The person understands that they can always reach to other people in their team without being ridiculed or questioned. It directly impacts your growth and profitability”


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