From Disconnection to Unity: How an Industrial Storage Company Built Trust and Collaboration

TEAM Happiest places to work®

An industrial storage systems company struggled with a persistent issue: building rapport and trust among colleagues. Despite working under the same roof, many employees felt disconnected, as though they were working in silos. This lack of cohesion wasn’t just a social issue; it was impacting productivity, with projects stalling and innovation slowing.

Many felt that they couldn’t speak up or share their true thoughts and concerns, creating a culture where communication was stifled, and ideas were left unspoken. Employees felt disconnected and demotivated due to stifling communication.

To address these underlying issues, the company decided to fully integrate the platform into its operations, as a strategic move to transform the workplace culture.

The “Your Voice 24/7” feedback tool was at the core of this initiative. It allowed employees to provide anonymous feedback at any time, using links or QR codes placed in common areas. This tool offered a safe space for everyone to voice their thoughts without fear, fostering a new level of openness.

Workshops were also introduced to tackle specific issues. A Psychological Safety Workshop aimed to encourage employees to make use of Your Voice and reassure them of the benefits of sharing. A Conflict Management Workshop to equip employees with the skills and awareness needed to handle disputes constructively, while other sessions focused on manager sensitization and setting clear expectations.

Recognizing the need for appreciation, the company also rolled out a comprehensive R&R Program. Focusing on creating a culture of appreciation valuing behaviour and not just outcome while spreading the responsibility at a peer-to-peer level as well. 13 categories were introduced, each with clear criteria and a focus on recognizing both behaviors and outcomes.

Communication and trust improved, with employees feeling more comfortable sharing ideas and collaborating. The R&R Program boosted morale, creating a positive work environment where employees felt valued. The anonymous feedback tool provided management with ongoing insights, helping to identify areas for improvement and ensuring a more engaged and cohesive workforce.


“We really enjoyed working with the Happiness Team. The outcome of the survey was encouraging and positive. It helped us understand what work we have to do to align certain sets of employees. The employees responded really well to all the post survey activities, understood why it was happening and were really excited about it. Overall has been very successful.”